SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Tetrahedron refiner

Tetrahedron refiner

What is meant by Tetrahedron refiner?

The term "tetrahedron refiner" refers to software modules or algorithms used for refining tetrahedral meshes in the Finite Element Method (FEM). These refiners serve to increase the resolution and accuracy of 3D simulation models by subdividing larger tetrahedral elements into smaller ones.

Typical software functions in the area of "tetrahedron refiner":

  1. Adaptive refinement: Automatic identification and refinement of areas with high gradients or errors.
  2. Local refinement: Ability to refine specific regions of the model selectively.
  3. Conformity preservation: Ensuring that the refined mesh remains conforming without hanging nodes.
  4. Quality optimization: Improvement of element quality during the refinement process.
  5. Parallelization: Support for parallel processing to accelerate the refinement of large models.
  6. Hierarchical data structure: Management of various refinement levels in an efficient data structure.

Examples of "tetrahedron refiner":

  1. Regular refiner: Divides each tetrahedron into eight smaller, uniform tetrahedra.
  2. Bisection refiner: Refines tetrahedra through repeated bisection along the longest edge.
  3. Red-Green refiner: Combines regular and irregular refinement patterns to adapt to complex geometries.
  4. Octree-based refiner: Uses an octree data structure for efficient management of the refinement hierarchy.
  5. Error-driven refiner: Refines based on local error indicators of the FEM solution.
  6. Geometry-adaptive refiner: Adjusts refinement to the curvature of the model surface.
Welche Anwendungen gibt es für Tetraederverfeinerer in der Industrie
Wie unterscheiden sich Tetraederverfeinerer von anderen Meshing-Methoden
Welche Vorteile bieten Tetraederverfeinerer im Vergleich zu anderen Verfeinerungsmethoden
Welche Softwarelösungen bieten Tetraederverfeinerer an
Wie beeinflussen Tetraederverfeinerer die Simulationsergebnisse

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The function / module Tetrahedron refiner belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Tetrahedron refiner:

Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software