A "terminology database" is a structured collection of terminological entries that contain specific terms, their definitions, translations, and possibly other relevant information. It serves as a reference tool for the consistent use of terms in a particular field, organization, or company.
Typical functions of software in the "terminology database" area could include:
Term management: Capturing and managing terminological entries, including terms, definitions, synonyms, abbreviations, and other relevant information.
Multilingual support: The ability to store and manage terminological entries in multiple languages to ensure consistency in the use of terms in different languages.
Search function: A powerful search function that allows users to search for specific terms or translations in the database.
Contextualization: Integration of contextual information with terminological entries to help users understand the correct usage of terms in different contexts.
Versioning: The ability to manage different versions of terminological entries to track changes over time.
User permissions: Control access to the terminology database by assigning permissions to users based on their role or function within the organization.
Export and integration: The option to export terminological data into various formats or integrate it into other software applications for use in different contexts.