SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Target setup detection

Target setup detection

What is meant by Target setup detection?

"Target setup recognition" refers to the process of identifying and optimizing setup times in production based on predefined target values. Setup times are the periods required to prepare machines or production lines for a new production order. The goal of target setup recognition is to minimize these times and increase the efficiency of production processes by identifying and analyzing deviations between actual and planned setup times.

Typical functions of software in the area of "target setup recognition" include:

  1. Capture and analysis of setup times: Automatic capture of actual setup times and comparison with target values. Identification of deviations and root cause analysis.
  2. Planning and optimization: Support in planning setup times based on historical data and optimization suggestions to reduce setup times.
  3. Visualization and reporting: Provision of dashboards and reports to visualize setup times and their deviations from target values.
  4. Resource management: Management of resources needed for the setup process, such as personnel and tools.
  5. Training and qualification: Provision of training materials and qualification measures for personnel to increase the efficiency of setup processes.
  6. Integration with production systems: Integration with existing production planning systems (PPS) and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for seamless data transfer and analysis.
  7. Collaboration tools: Support for collaboration between different departments to coordinate improvements in setup processes.

Examples of “target setup recognition”:


The function / module Target setup detection belongs to:


Equipment status
Operating resources time account
Production order history
Resources log
Workshop status

Software solutions with function or module Target setup detection:

Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
PAK - ERP System
planeus – Digital Production Planning and Control
ProSeS - ODA Reporting