SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Surface machining functions

Surface machining functions

What is meant by Surface machining functions?

The term "surface machining functions" refers to software functions used in CAD/CAM and CNC systems to plan, control, and optimize the machining of surfaces on workpieces. These functions are crucial in the production of smooth and precise surfaces on components, particularly in industrial manufacturing, where complex 3D shapes, freeform surfaces, or specific surface textures are required.

Typical software functions in the area of "surface machining functions":

  1. Surface Milling: Functions for planning and controlling the milling process to create smooth and consistent surfaces, often using parallel paths or roughing and finishing strategies.
  2. Surface Polishing: Automated processes for fine-tuning the surface quality, such as by using specialized tools or polishing paths.
  3. Rest Material Machining: Functions for identifying and machining remaining material areas after roughing to ensure complete and uniform surface machining.
  4. Adaptive Roughing Strategies: Use of intelligent algorithms that adapt to the surface geometry to make material removal efficient while minimizing tool wear.
  5. Curve-Based Machining: Control of tool paths along predefined curves or edges to create precise profiles and contours on surfaces.
  6. 5-Axis Surface Machining: Functions for simultaneous control of five axes to machine complex surfaces and shapes in a single pass.


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The function / module Surface machining functions belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Surface machining functions:

GFOS.Smart Manufacturing
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software