SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Supplement management

Supplement management

What is meant by Supplement management?

Supplement management refers to the administration of contract changes or amendments that occur during the course of a project. These may include additional services, changes in scope or schedule, cost adjustments, or other contract modifications. Change order management aims to systematically capture, assess, approve, and manage these changes to ensure clear communication among project stakeholders and minimize conflicts.

Typical Functions of Software in the Area of "Supplement management":

  1. Change Order Tracking: Capturing and documenting contract changes, including changes in scope, schedule, or costs.
  2. Workflow Control: Defining approval and release processes for change orders to ensure they are appropriately reviewed and approved.
  3. Versioning: Tracking changes and creating versions of contract documents to provide a transparent overview of the history of change orders.
  4. Communication: Providing communication tools for internal and external communication about change orders among project stakeholders.
  5. Evaluation and Assessment: Assessing the impacts of change orders on project scope, schedule, costs, and other relevant aspects.
  6. Approval: Supporting the approval of change orders by appropriate project stakeholders or decision-makers.
  7. Reporting: Generating reports on the status of change orders, approval workflows, cost trends, and other relevant metrics.
  8. Audit Trail: Recording activities and changes related to change orders for tracking and audit purposes.
  9. Integration: Integrating with other project management tools, contract management systems, or enterprise applications for seamless information exchange.
  10. Compliance: Ensuring compliance with legal requirements and contract terms in managing change orders.


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The function / module Supplement management belongs to:

Order management

Software solutions with function or module Supplement management:

Component for real estate development, sales and management
TOPIX Financial Accounting
Powerful accounting software for SMEs
The solution for service companies, in-house service providers and site services
SIDOUN Globe4all®
SIDOUN Globe4all®
Innovative, leistungsfähige Cloud AVA-Software.
WWS, PPS, FiBu, purchasing, sales, cash register, warehouse, BDE, DMS
Good software can be so simple
Your digital sales representative and consultant
AVA software with cost management and full MS Excel and Word integration