SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Submission


What is meant by Submission?

The term "submission" refers to the process of submitting documents, forms, applications, or other information for further processing, review, or approval within a system. In business and administrative contexts, a submission involves transferring data or documents to an authority responsible for processing or decision-making. Submission processes are often part of workflows in areas such as quality management, compliance, sales, or project management.

Typical software functions in the area of "submission":

  1. Submission Form: Creation and provision of forms for inputting and transmitting data.
  2. Automated Validation: Checking submitted data for completeness and correctness before acceptance.
  3. Notifications: Automatic notifications to users about the status of their submission or required corrections.
  4. Status Tracking: Tracking and displaying the current processing status of the submission within a system.
  5. Approval Workflow: Automated forwarding of submissions to the responsible parties for review and approval.
  6. Data Archiving: Securing and storing submitted documents for future reference or auditing purposes.
  7. Reporting: Creating reports on submitted data for analysis and decision-making.
  8. Interface Integration: Integration of submission processes with other systems like ERP, CRM, or document management systems.
  9. Security Features: Encryption and access controls to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.
  10. Feedback and Response: Providing feedback to the submitter to communicate further actions or corrections.

Examples of "submission":

  1. Application Submission: Submitting a grant application to a government agency or organization.
  2. Document Submission: Uploading contract documents for legal review.
  3. Customer Data Submission: Transmitting customer data during a registration process.
  4. Report Submission: Submission of monthly or quarterly reports to management.
  5. Production Release: Submitting production data for the release of a new batch.
  6. Supplier Proposals: Submission of bids by suppliers in a tender process.
  7. Compliance Documents: Submitting compliance documents to regulatory authorities.
  8. Inspection Report Submission: Submitting inspection reports within a quality control process.
  9. Customer Feedback: Submitting feedback or complaints via an online portal.
  10. Job Application Submission: Submitting job application documents in response to a job posting.


The function / module Submission belongs to:

Tenders and bills of quantities (BOS)

Center of gravity positions
Data fields for advertisements
EFB forms
Functional tender building construction
Import interfaces for bills of quantities
Requirement and functional specification
Title Lot Outline

Software solutions with function or module Submission: