SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Sound database

Sound database

What is meant by Sound database?

A "Sound database" is a collection of acoustic recordings or measurement data used for the analysis and evaluation of sound events. These databases typically contain various types of sound, such as ambient noise, machinery noise, speech recordings, or other acoustic phenomena. The Sound database is commonly used by engineers, scientists, architects, environmental experts, and other professionals to identify sound sources, assess noise levels, solve acoustic problems, or plan noise control measures.

Typical functions of software in the "Sound database" area include:

  1. Data Acquisition and Management: Capturing, storing, and managing acoustic recordings or measurement data in a structured database.
  2. Metadata Management: Adding metadata to the sound data, such as timestamps, location, type of recording, device type, and other relevant information.
  3. Search and Filter Functions: Options for searching and filtering sound data by various criteria, such as timestamp, location, noise level, or sound source.
  4. Visualization: Visualization of sound data in the form of waveforms, spectrograms, histograms, or other graphical representations.
  5. Analysis Tools: Tools for analyzing and evaluating sound data, including frequency analysis, noise level measurement, time-frequency analysis, and statistical analysis.
  6. Reporting: Generation of reports and documentation on the sound data analysis and evaluation.
  7. Export Functions: Exporting sound data to various formats for further analysis or reporting.
  8. Integration with Other Tools: Integration with other acoustic or engineering software tools for comprehensive data analysis and utilization.
  9. Security and Data Privacy: Ensuring data security and compliance with data protection regulations in the management and use of sound data.
  10. User-Friendliness: A user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation and use of the Schall-Datenbank.


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Software solutions with function or module Sound database: