SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Software integration

Software integration

What is meant by Software integration?

"Software integration" refers to the process of connecting different software systems and applications to ensure seamless interaction and smooth data exchange. The goal of software integration is to link various software solutions so that they function as a unified system and share data collectively. This increases efficiency, improves data quality, and facilitates the management of business processes.

Typical features of software in the area of "software integration" include:

  1. API Management:

    • Providing and managing interfaces (APIs) to connect different systems.
    • Supporting various protocols and data formats.
  2. Data Conversion and Transformation:

    • Converting and adapting data formats between different systems.
    • Ensuring data compatibility and integrity.
  3. Middleware:

    • Using middleware platforms to mediate and coordinate between different applications.
    • Providing a central infrastructure for data exchange.
  4. Real-time Data Synchronization:

    • Automatically synchronizing data between different systems in real-time.
    • Avoiding data inconsistencies and duplicates.
  5. Workflow Automation:

    • Automating business processes by integrating and orchestrating multiple software solutions.
    • Improving efficiency and reducing manual interventions.
  6. Monitoring and Error Handling:

    • Monitoring integration processes to detect and resolve errors early.
    • Providing notifications and logs for error analysis.
  7. Security and Access Management:

    • Ensuring security in data exchange between different systems.
    • Managing user access and permissions.

Examples of "Software Integration":

  1. ERP Integration with CRM:

    • Connecting an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to synchronize customer data and order information.
  2. E-Commerce Platform Integration:

    • Integrating an e-commerce platform with a Warehouse Management System (WMS) and a payment gateway to coordinate orders, inventory, and payments.
  3. HR Software Integration:

    • Linking Human Resources (HR) software with a payroll system to update employee data and payroll information.


The function / module Software integration belongs to:

System integration

Software solutions with function or module Software integration:

audius:CRM+ERP for production and trade
Microsoft Dynamics 365
microtech büro+
myPARM - Multi-project management software
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
Poly.ERP - The ERP system for compounders, masterbatchers and recyclers
Show all 24 programs with Software integration