SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Social Media

Social Media

What is meant by Social Media?

Social media refers to digital platforms and technologies that enable users to create, share, and consume content as well as communicate and interact with each other. These platforms facilitate the exchange of information, opinions, images, videos, and other forms of media, providing an interactive and connected environment.

Typical functions of software in the field of "social media" are:

  1. Profiles and User Accounts: Creation and management of personal or business profiles containing information about the user.
  2. Posting and Sharing: Ability to post and share texts, images, videos, and other content.
  3. Comments and Reactions: Features that allow users to respond to posts by leaving comments or using reactions like "like" or "share."
  4. Friendship and Follower Management: Functions to add or remove friends, gain followers, or follow other users.
  5. Messaging and Chats: Direct messaging or chat features that enable private communication between users.
  6. Groups and Communities: Creation and management of groups or communities around specific topics where users can interact.
  7. Live Streaming: Ability to broadcast videos in real-time and interact with the audience.
  8. Notifications: Real-time notifications about activities and interactions on the platform.
  9. Events and Calendars: Creation and management of events to which users can be invited.
  10. Privacy and Security Settings: Control over the visibility and access to personal data and content.
  11. Analytics and Insights: Tools to analyze the reach and engagement of posts and activities.
  12. Advertising and Monetization: Features for creating and managing advertising campaigns and opportunities for monetizing content.


The function / module Social Media belongs to:

Online marketing

Social Media

Software solutions with function or module Social Media:

4ALLPORTAL- DAM Software - Digital Asset Management
audius:Seminar for training and seminar management
HS/3 Hotelsoftware
PANSITE - Content Management System (CMS)