SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > SMS messaging

SMS messaging

What is meant by SMS messaging?

The term "SMS messaging" refers to sending short text messages via mobile networks. These messages are used to quickly and directly transmit text information to mobile phones. SMS messaging is utilized in various areas, including marketing, customer service, security notifications, and more.

Typical software functions in the area of "SMS messaging":

  1. Bulk Messaging: Capability to send a large number of SMS messages to many recipients simultaneously.
  2. Automated Messaging: Sending automated SMS notifications based on specific triggers or events.
  3. Personalization: Customizing message content with individual information such as names or specific data.
  4. Scheduling: Planning SMS dispatch at specific times or moments.
  5. Recipient Management: Managing and segmenting contact lists for targeted messaging.
  6. Tracking and Analytics: Monitoring delivery status and response rates, and creating reports to analyze campaign success.
  7. Response Management: Managing incoming replies to SMS messages.
  8. Integration: Connecting with other systems and platforms via APIs for seamless integration of SMS messaging functions.
  9. Multilingual Messaging: Supporting the sending of messages in different languages.
  10. Security Features: Two-factor authentication (2FA) and notifications about security-related events.


The function / module SMS messaging belongs to:

Messaging, communication, mail

Software solutions with function or module SMS messaging:

FLINTEC IT - Alerting by telephone and SMS/email