SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Separate work environments
Separate work environments

Separate work environments

What is meant by Separate work environments?

The term "Separate Work Environments" refers to distinct and independent areas within a software system where users or processes can work in isolation from each other. This separation allows different tasks, projects, or applications to be executed in separate contexts without interfering with each other.

Typical software functions in the area of "Separate Work Environments":

  1. Isolation: Creation of separate areas for different users, projects, or applications.
  2. Resource management: Allocation and control of system resources for each work environment.
  3. Access control: Management of user rights and access for each separate environment.
  4. Data segregation: Ensuring that data is not mixed between environments.
  5. Configuration management: Individual settings and customizations for each work environment.
  6. Environment switching: Easy switching between different work environments.

Examples of "Separate Work Environments":

  1. Virtual machines: Separate operating system instances on a physical host.
  2. Containers: Isolated runtime environments for applications.
  3. Sandbox environments: Protected areas for testing software or scripts.
  4. Development, testing, and production environments: Separate systems for different phases of software development.
  5. Multi-tenant architectures: Separate areas for different customers in a cloud application.
  6. Workspace isolation: Separate work areas for different projects or teams within an application.

The function / module Separate work environments belongs to:

Workflow and process management

Software solutions with function or module Separate work environments: