SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Sea charts

Sea charts

What is meant by Sea charts?

Nautical charts are specialized maps that contains detailed information about coastlines, water depths, underwater obstacles, tides, currents, navigational aids, and other relevant data necessary for safe navigation.

Typical functions of software in the field of nautical charts include:

  1. Chart Display: The software displays nautical charts in digital form, allowing users to zoom in and view different areas of the chart.

  2. GPS Integration: The software can receive GPS data and display the vessel's position in real-time on the nautical chart.

  3. Route Planning: Users can plan routes on the nautical chart by setting waypoints and calculating the optimal route considering tides, currents, and other factors.

  4. Automatic Updates: The software can automatically update nautical charts to account for changes such as new navigational aids, altered water depths, or obstacles.


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The function / module Sea charts belongs to:

Port management

Software solutions with function or module Sea charts:

Modern Fleet Management - the digital assistant for your daily maritime business.