SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Sampling result

Sampling result

What is meant by Sampling result?

The term "sampling result" refers to the outcomes that are available after the inspection of a sample or prototype within an inspection or approval process. The sampling result provides information on whether the sample meets the required specifications and quality standards and thus can be approved for mass production or not.

Typical software functions in the area of "sampling result":

  1. Result Documentation: Detailed recording of the results of the sample inspection, including test results and evaluations.
  2. Result Analysis: Analysis of the inspection results to identify trends, weaknesses, and optimization potentials.
  3. Reporting: Creating reports on the sampling results for internal and external stakeholders.
  4. Result Communication: Automated notifications and communication of the results to relevant parties, such as suppliers or customers.
  5. Linkage with Quality Control: Integration of sampling results into quality management systems for continuous improvement of product quality.
  6. Archiving: Storing and managing the sampling results for future reference and audits.

Examples of "sampling result":

  1. Passed: The sample has successfully passed all inspections.
  2. Failed: The sample did not pass the inspections and does not meet the requirements.
  3. Partially Passed: The sample passed some inspections but not others.
  4. Deviation Detected: Deviations from the required specifications were detected.
  5. Revision Required: The sample requires further modifications or corrections.
  6. Approved with Conditions: The sample was approved under certain conditions or stipulations.


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The function / module Sampling result belongs to:

Product testing