SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Risk priority number rankings (RPN)

Risk priority number rankings (RPN)

What is meant by Risk priority number rankings (RPN)?

Risk Priority Number (RPN) rankings are lists or rankings created based on the Risk Priority Number. The Risk Priority Number (RPN) is a metric used to assess and prioritize risks, typically calculated by multiplying the probability of a risk by its potential impact. A higher RPN indicates higher risk, and vice versa.

Typical software functions in the area of Risk Priority Number (RPN) rankings:

  1. Risk Assessment: Automated calculation of Risk Priority Numbers based on defined criteria such as probability and severity.

  2. Risk Ranking: Creation of lists or hierarchies based on calculated RPN values to prioritize risks.

  3. Filtering and Sorting: Ability to filter and sort risks based on various criteria to focus on critical or urgent risks.

  4. Visual Representation: Graphical representation of RPN rankings for easy analysis and communication of risk priorities.

  5. Notifications and Alerts: Automated notifications of changes in RPN rankings or newly identified high-priority risks.

  6. Integration with Action Management: Integration with action management tools to track and monitor risk mitigation actions.


The function / module Risk priority number rankings (RPN) belongs to:

Lists, reports

Article analysis
Autofax function
Backorder lists
Bundle print jobs
Collective editing
Customer evaluations
different printing systems
Instant messages
Mailing lists
Map printing
Network Statistics
Pro forma invoices and credit notes

Risk Management

Software solutions with function or module Risk priority number rankings (RPN):

Aeneis - critical and success-relevant processes and assets under control.
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
e1ns Engineering
e1ns | FMEA in the Cloud
ibo QSR
iqs Quality Center - CAQ-Software
myPARM - Multi-project management software
QSEC - GRC/ISMS, ISO 27001/BSI standard- IT protection, B3S and data protection