SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Risk carrier diagram

Risk carrier diagram

What is meant by Risk carrier diagram?

A "Risk Carrier Diagram" is a visual tool used to represent various risk factors and the stakeholders responsible for or influencing these risks. It illustrates the relationships between risks and those who bear or manage them, helping to clarify responsibilities and better understand potential impacts. Such diagrams are commonly used in risk management to provide a clear overview of risk distribution within a company or project.

Typical software functions in the area of "Risk Carrier Diagram":

  1. Visual Representation: Creation of diagrams that graphically depict the relationship between risks and their carriers.
  2. Interactive Diagrams: Ability to expand or modify diagrams to simulate different scenarios or changes in risk distribution.
  3. Automatic Responsibility Assignment: Automatic linking of risks to the respective responsible parties or departments.
  4. Risk Assessment: Integration of risk assessments into the diagram to quickly recognize the significance of each risk.
  5. Reporting: Generation of reports based on the diagrams for communication to stakeholders.
  6. Data Integration: Linking the diagram with other risk management systems or databases to ensure a consistent and up-to-date representation.
  7. Notifications: Automated notifications to risk carriers when there are changes in risk assessment or assignment.


The function / module Risk carrier diagram belongs to:

Risk Management

Software solutions with function or module Risk carrier diagram:

myPARM - Multi-project management software
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Solution (MR.KNOW)
sycat IMS Portal