SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Reverse postings

Reverse postings

What is meant by Reverse postings?

Reversal entries are corrective entries in accounting used to nullify erroneous or invalid entries. They serve to correct a faulty transaction without deleting the original entry by making a counter-entry that neutralizes the original entry. This helps ensure transparency and traceability in the bookkeeping process.

Typical features of software in the area of reversal entries include:

  1. Automatic Reversal: Ability to automatically reverse erroneous entries and create counter-entries.
  2. Transaction Tracking: Detailed tracking and logging of reversal entries to ensure a clear history of corrections.
  3. User Permissions: Management of user rights to ensure that only authorized personnel can perform reversal entries.
  4. Error Analysis: Tools for identifying and analyzing booking errors that necessitate a reversal entry.
  5. Reporting: Creation of reports on reversal entries for analysis and audit purposes.
  6. Notification System: Automatic notifications about performed reversal entries to relevant users or departments.
  7. Integration: Seamless integration with other accounting modules to ensure reversal entries are correctly reflected across all affected systems.
  8. Audit Trail: Ensuring a complete documentation of all reversal entries for audit purposes.


The function / module Reverse postings belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Reverse postings:

isiplan RV - Spezial-Software für die Vermietbranche