SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Resume analysis

Resume analysis

What is meant by Resume analysis?

"Resume Analysis" refers to the systematic evaluation and assessment of resumes from applicants. The goal is to evaluate the relevant qualifications, experiences, and skills of candidates to determine how well they match the requirements of the advertised position. This process can be done manually or through the use of specialized software for automation.

Typical Software Functions in the Area of "Resume Analysis":

  1. Automated Data Extraction: Identification and extraction of relevant data such as work experience, educational qualifications, and skills from resumes.
  2. Comparison with Job Requirements: Matching extracted information with job requirements to assess the suitability of candidates.
  3. Evaluation and Ranking: Automated evaluation and ranking of candidates based on predefined criteria and algorithms.
  4. Keyword Analysis: Analysis of resumes for keywords and phrases relevant to the advertised position.
  5. Reporting: Creation of detailed reports on the results of the resume analysis, including recommendations for further action.
  6. AI and Machine Learning Integration: Utilization of AI-powered algorithms to enhance the accuracy of the analysis and to identify patterns and trends.
  7. Application Document Management: Organization and management of analyzed resumes within an applicant tracking system.


The function / module Resume analysis belongs to:


Before-and-after comparisons
Classification and prediction
classification and regression trees
Container accounting
Course participant and learning statistics
Customer and sales data analysis
Customer evaluations
Econometric and statistical analyses
Linked data management
Mandate analysis
Metropolis algorithm
Network Statistics
predictions and model simulation
statistical cost planning
Utilization analysis according to loss classes

Applicant management

Software solutions with function or module Resume analysis:

Cornerstone Recruiting
hunter - the software solution for recruiting
rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
Sage HR Suite
softgarden e-recruiting - Talent Acquisition Suite