SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Reservation plan

Reservation plan

What is meant by Reservation plan?

A "reservation plan" is a tool for managing reservations and bookings for services, rooms, facilities, or events over a specific period of time.

Typical functions of software in the "reservation plan" domain may include:

  1. Schedule overview: Clear presentation of all existing reservations and bookings in a schedule that allows for quickly seeing which dates are already booked and which are still available.

  2. Detail view: Ability to view details of each individual reservation, including guest name, date, time, duration, and booked services or facilities.

  3. Booking options: Ability for users to make new reservations directly within the reservation plan or to edit, cancel, or reschedule existing bookings.

  4. Color-coded indication: Highlighting different types or statuses of reservations using different colors or symbols to enable clear differentiation, e.g., between confirmed, pending, or canceled bookings.

  5. Filter and search functions: Option to apply filters or search for specific bookings to refine the displayed data and quickly find relevant information.

  6. Notifications: Sending automatic notifications to guests and staff about new bookings, changes, or cancellations.

  7. Calendar integration: Integration of the reservation plan with calendar applications for clear planning and organization.

  8. Access control: Ability to set access rights and permissions for different users to ensure security and privacy requirements are met.


The function / module Reservation plan belongs to:

Hotel management (PMS)

Software solutions with function or module Reservation plan:

HOPE - HOtel and PEnsion Manager, the hotel software
HS/3 Hotelsoftware
Hotline Hotel Software