SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Requirement profiles
Requirement profiles

Requirement profiles

What is meant by Requirement profiles?

Requirements profiles are detailed descriptions of skills, knowledge, experience, and personal attributes needed for a specific position or role within a company. They serve as a basis for evaluating applicants during the selection process and for developing training and development initiatives for existing employees.

Typical Functions of Software in "Requirements Profiles":

  1. Creation and Management of Requirements Profiles: Capability to create, edit, and manage detailed requirements profiles for various positions or roles within the company.

  2. Structured Capture of Requirements: Capture and structuring of required skills, knowledge, experience, and personal attributes for each position.

  3. Linkage with Job Descriptions: Ability to directly link requirements profiles with corresponding job descriptions or role profiles.

  4. Applicant Evaluation: Support for evaluating applicants during the selection process based on the match of their qualifications with the requirements profiles.

  5. Competency Management: Integration with competency management to manage and assess employees' existing skills and knowledge compared to the requirements profiles.

  6. Analysis and Reporting: Generation of reports and analyses on the alignment of requirements profiles with the existing qualifications of employees or applicants.

  7. Updating and Adaptation: Capability to regularly update and adapt requirements profiles based on changing company needs or market conditions.

  8. Notifications and Reminders: Provision of notifications and reminders to responsible parties when requirements profiles need to be updated or revised.


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The function / module Requirement profiles belongs to:

Applicant management

Software solutions with function or module Requirement profiles:

Time Tracking for Projects & Employees
Sage HR Suite
Personnel software from Sage - lead your employees with success
Work more efficiently in the HR department
Standard business software
Digital processes for onboarding
rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
Process Optimization Applicant Management / eRecruiting & Job Board / Recruitment
Sta*Ware Business Navigator®
Project-oriented business software in one package - ERP-CRM-HRM-PMS-DMS-ECM-BA-BPM-QM
Sage HR
Sage HR
Effortless HR for small businesses
Applicant management, +300 job portals and employer branding - from a single source.
Show all 11 programs with Requirement profiles