SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Reminder functions for wake-up call

Reminder functions for wake-up call

What is meant by Reminder functions for wake-up call?

"Reminder functions for wake-up calls" are features in software or applications that remind users of specific tasks, appointments, or events at a set time or at regular intervals.

Typical functions of software in the "Reminder functions for wake-up calls" domain include:

  1. Setting wake-up calls: Ability for users to set wake-up calls at specific times to remind them of important appointments or events.

  2. Recurring reminders: Functionality to set up recurring reminders that can be triggered daily, weekly, monthly, or according to custom schedules.

  3. Customized notifications: Ability to customize notifications with various options such as sound, vibration, pop-up windows, or notification bars to attract the user's attention.

  4. Prioritization of reminders: Functionality to prioritize reminders or tasks by urgency or importance to ensure that important deadlines are not overlooked.

  5. Reminders with notes: Ability to attach additional notes or information to reminders to provide context or details about a specific event.

  6. Management of missed reminders: Functionality to manage missed reminders, including the ability to reschedule or delete them, as well as display of history information.

  7. Integration with calendar and task management: Ability to integrate with calendar and task management applications to automatically generate reminders from events or tasks, and vice versa.

  8. Mobile access: Support for mobile devices and platforms to receive and manage reminders on the go, including synchronization across different devices.


The function / module Reminder functions for wake-up call belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Reminder functions for wake-up call:

HS/3 Hotelsoftware