SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Rejection


What is meant by Rejection?

The term "rejection functions" refers to software modules and features that support and automate the process of rejecting applications or offers in companies. These functions help HR departments and recruiters formulate and communicate professional, respectful, and legally compliant rejections.

Typical software functions in the area of "rejection functions":

  1. Template management: Creation and management of standardized rejection texts for various situations.
  2. Personalization: Automatic customization of rejection letters with individual applicant information.
  3. Legal review: Integrated checking of rejection texts for compliance with the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).
  4. Timing management: Automated sending of rejections at defined points in the application process.
  5. Feedback integration: Possibility to include constructive feedback in rejection letters.
  6. Statistics and reporting: Recording and analysis of rejection reasons and frequencies.

Examples of "rejection functions":

  1. Automatic rejection upon application receipt if minimum criteria are not met.
  2. Personalized rejection after an interview with individual reasoning.
  3. Delayed rejection with the option to be included in a talent pool.
  4. Multi-stage rejection processes for different phases of the application procedure.
  5. Integrated communication of rejections through various channels (email, portal, SMS).
  6. Anonymized rejection reasons for internal evaluations and process optimizations.

The function / module Rejection belongs to:

Order management

Software solutions with function or module Rejection:

edoobox - Online booking system
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Solution (MR.KNOW)