SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Redial


What is meant by Redial?

"Redial" refers to the automatic retry of a call that was previously unsuccessful.

Typical functions of software in the "Redial" area may include:

  1. Storage of failed calls: The software stores the phone numbers or caller IDs of calls that previously failed to connect.

  2. Automatic redial: The software automatically retries the failed calls after a defined period of time.

  3. Number of retry attempts: Setting the number of automatic retry attempts for each call.

  4. Time interval between retry attempts: Specifying a time interval between automatic retry attempts.

  5. Notification upon successful connection: Notifying the user when a failed call is successfully completed.

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The function / module Redial belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Redial:

authensis ACHAT
Smarte Software für exzellenten Kundendialog
Freedom to communicate