SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Randomization


What is meant by Randomization?

In software development, "random arrangement" refers to the function of selecting or placing elements in a list, sequence, or arrangement randomly.

Typical functions of software in the area of "random arrangement" may include:

  1. Random Selection: The software randomly selects elements from a list or a given set of options.
  2. Random Ordering: The software arranges elements in a list, an array, or another structure in random order.
  3. Random Distribution: The software randomly distributes elements on a surface or in space, with placement varying.
  4. Random Generation: The software generates random data, numbers, texts, or other contents based on defined parameters or algorithms.
  5. Randomized Access: The software allows access to elements of a data structure, such as a list or an array, based on random indexes or keys.

The function / module Randomization belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Randomization: