SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Random generator

Random generator

What is meant by Random generator?

A random number generator is a software function or algorithm that produces random numbers, values, or events. This function is commonly used in applications that rely on randomness or probability, such as simulations, games, or statistical analyses.

Typical software functions in the area of "random number generator" include:

  1. Random Number Generation: Generating random integers, decimals, or other numerical values.

  2. Seed Settings: Ability to set a seed value that influences the sequence of generated random numbers.

  3. Distribution Functions: Support for various probability distributions such as uniform distribution, normal distribution, binomial distribution, etc.

  4. Custom Parameters: Settings for users to adjust specific parameters such as range, number of values, or type of distribution.

  5. Result Validation: Checking the quality of generated random numbers in terms of statistical properties like uniformity and independence.

  6. Integration: Integration of the random number generator into other applications or processes that require random decisions or data.


The function / module Random generator belongs to:


Change management
Code Generation
Configuration routine
Data management
Development environment
Exception and error handling
Function tree
Global Variables
Implementation support
Logging and recovery
Low-Code Development Platform
Macros and configuration files
rules cleanup
Runtime versions
Software design
UI customization


Before-and-after comparisons
Classification and prediction
classification and regression trees
Container accounting
Course participant and learning statistics
Customer and sales data analysis
Customer evaluations
Econometric and statistical analyses
Linked data management
Mandate analysis
Metropolis algorithm
Network Statistics
predictions and model simulation
statistical cost planning
Utilization analysis according to loss classes

Software solutions with function or module Random generator:

prime WebTime and prime WebAccess