SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Production types

Production types

What is meant by Production types?

"Manufacturing types" refer to the different methods and processes by which products or assemblies can be manufactured. These methods vary depending on product requirements, production capabilities, and specific industry needs.

Typical functions of software in the "manufacturing types" domain include:

  1. Planning and Control: Manufacturing types management software supports the planning and control of various manufacturing processes, including batch production, job production, make-to-order, mass customization, etc.

  2. Resource Management: Management of materials, machinery, and workforce according to the requirements of different manufacturing types.

  3. Optimization: Optimization of production processes considering efficiency, costs, quality, and delivery time.

  4. Flexibility: Support for flexible manufacturing methods that enable companies to quickly respond to changes in demand or production environment.

  5. Integration: Integration with other enterprise systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for seamless data transfer and information exchange.


The function / module Production types belongs to:

Production types

Reverse engineering
Serial and batch numbers
Serial output
Service product bill of material update

Software solutions with function or module Production types:

audius:CRM+ERP for production and trade
Microsoft Dynamics 365
microtech büro+
Odoo Enterprise
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
PAK - ERP System
Poly.ERP - The ERP system for compounders, masterbatchers and recyclers
Process Simulator
Show all 24 programs with Production types