SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Price list

Price list

What is meant by Price list?

A price comparison table is a tabular overview of the prices offered by various suppliers for specific products or services. Companies use price comparison tables to compare prices, evaluate offers, and plan procurement of goods or services. In the software world, a price comparison table module refers to a function that allows companies to capture, compare, and analyze prices from different suppliers.

Typical Functions of Software in the Area of "Price Comparison Table":

  1. Offer Management: Capturing offers from various suppliers for products or services.
  2. Price Comparison: Comparing prices from different suppliers for identical or similar products or services.
  3. Tabular Representation: Displaying price information in a clear tabular format.
  4. Filter and Search Functions: Ability to filter and search prices based on various criteria such as product, supplier, or price.
  5. Historical Price Data: Recording historical price data for analysis of price changes over time.
  6. Customizable Reports: Generating customizable reports and analyses on price comparisons and trends.
  7. User Permissions: Setting access rights for users to view price information based on their roles and responsibilities.
  8. Integration: Integrating the price comparison table module with other software modules such as purchasing, procurement, or inventory management for seamless data transfer and process automation.
  9. Automation: Automating processes for updating price information and notifying about price changes.
  10. Optimization: Analyzing price fluctuations and identifying cost-saving opportunities by selecting more cost-effective suppliers or products.


The function / module Price list belongs to:

Offer management

Software solutions with function or module Price list:

SIDOUN Globe4all®