SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Predictive analytics with AI

Predictive analytics with AI

What is meant by Predictive analytics with AI?

Predictive analytics with AI (Artificial Intelligence) refers to the application of machine learning and advanced algorithms to historical data to make predictions about future events or trends. This technique utilizes patterns and relationships in large datasets to help businesses make informed decisions and anticipate future developments.

Typical functions of software in the area of "Predictive Analytics with AI":

  1. Data Integration: Collection and integration of data from various internal and external sources to create a comprehensive data foundation.
  2. Data Preparation: Cleaning, transforming, and preprocessing data to prepare it for analysis.
  3. Algorithms and Models: Use of various AI algorithms and statistical models to detect patterns in the data and make predictions.
  4. Automated Model Building: Automatic creation, adjustment, and improvement of predictive models based on the available data and achieved results.
  5. Visualization: Presentation of analysis results and predictions in understandable charts and dashboards.
  6. Anomaly Detection: Identification of deviations and unusual patterns in the data that indicate potential problems or opportunities.
  7. Scenario Analysis: Simulation and analysis of different scenarios to evaluate the impact of various decisions or events.
  8. Real-Time Analysis: Processing and analysis of data in real-time to provide immediate predictions and recommendations.
  9. Custom Reports: Creation of reports tailored to the specific needs and requirements of the business.


The function / module Predictive analytics with AI belongs to:



Competitive intelligence (competitor analysis)