SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Plausibilities


What is meant by Plausibilities?

The term "plausibilities" refers to the verification and assurance of credibility, traceability, and consistency of data, information, or processes in a software system. Plausibility checks serve to identify obvious errors, inconsistencies, or improbable values, thereby improving data quality and system reliability.

Typical software functions in the area of "plausibilities":

  1. Data validation: Automatic verification of input data for completeness, formatting, and validity.
  2. Boundary value checking: Control of whether values lie within defined ranges or tolerances.
  3. Consistency checking: Ensuring consistency of data across different system areas.
  4. Logical relationship checking: Verification of dependencies and relationships between different data elements.
  5. Historical comparisons: Comparison of current data with historical values to detect unusual deviations.
  6. Rule-based checks: Application of predefined business rules to assess the plausibility of data or processes.

Examples of "plausibilities":

  1. Age plausibility: Checking whether the entered date of birth leads to a realistic age.
  2. Revenue plausibility: Comparison of current revenue with historical data and industry averages.
  3. Address plausibility: Verification of the consistency of postal code, city, and street.
  4. Quantity plausibility: Checking whether ordered quantities are in proportion to usual order sizes.
  5. Date plausibility: Verifying that dates are in a logical sequence and within realistic time frames.
  6. Cost plausibility: Comparison of cost items with empirical values and budget limits.


The function / module Plausibilities belongs to:

Quality management

internal errors
Security check

Methods / Optimizations

Software solutions with function or module Plausibilities:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
EcholoN Service Management Suite
Improve QM-Software
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Solution (MR.KNOW)