SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Personnel management
Personnel management

Personnel management

What is meant by Personnel management?

"Human Resource Management (HRM)" encompasses all activities and processes related to the management of employees within an organization. This includes recruitment, hiring, training, development, compensation, evaluation, and support of employees throughout their employment.

Typical functions of software in the "Human Resource Management (HRM)" area may include:


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The function / module Personnel management belongs to:

Data export

Software solutions with function or module Personnel management:

ERP solution with all functions for commercial and technical order processing
audius:Seminar for training and seminar management
Industry solution for training and further education institutes
ERP software for medium-sized manufacturing companies
myPARM - Multi-project management software
Multi-project management and PPM software
The Laboratory Information and Management System - flexible, simple, customized
ERP twyz.enterprise
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert.
Project planning, project steering, project controlling, time management - 100% web based
unitop NPO
Software for associations, fundraising organizations and academies
IFS Cloud
IFS Cloud
Central platform providing industry-leading solutions for SM, ERP & EAM
Digitize your Company
Show all 65 programs with Personnel management