SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Personnel development planning

Personnel development planning

What is meant by Personnel development planning?

Workforce development planning involves the strategic planning and management of development initiatives for employees within an organization. The aim is to promote individual career development, strengthen employee competencies, and support organizational goals through targeted training and development.

Typical Features of Software in "Workforce Development Planning":

  1. Needs Analysis and Competency Management: Identification of development needs and competency gaps in employees through skills and potential analyses.

  2. Goal Setting and Development Objectives: Setting individual development goals and career paths in alignment with organizational goals.

  3. Training Planning and Management: Planning, organizing, and managing training programs, seminars, workshops, and online courses.

  4. Skill Matrix and Competency Profile: Building and maintaining skill matrices and competency profiles of employees for transparent representation of skills and qualifications.

  5. Performance Management: Linking workforce development goals with performance management for continuous assessment and feedback on performance.

  6. Development Initiatives and Resource Allocation: Provision of resources such as budgets, time allocations, and experts for the implementation of development initiatives.

  7. Feedback and Evaluation: Collection and analysis of feedback on the effectiveness of development initiatives and on the individual development of employees.

  8. Reporting and Analytics: Generation of reports and dashboards to monitor progress in implementing development plans and derive strategic decisions.

  9. Career Planning and Succession Planning: Support for long-term career planning and identification of potential successors for key positions.

  10. Integration with other HR Modules: Seamless integration with other HR modules such as performance management, recruitment, and employee discussions.


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The function / module Personnel development planning belongs to:

Personnel planning

Software solutions with function or module Personnel development planning:

rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
Process Optimization Applicant Management / eRecruiting & Job Board / Recruitment
Personnel management. Simple. Online.
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Workforce Management Software by GFOS - Making HR processes digital
Textkernel - AI Recruitment Software
Machine Intelligence for Matching People and Jobs
Measure performance and optimize staff deployment
Sage HR
Sage HR
Effortless HR for small businesses
Sage HR Suite
Personnel software from Sage - lead your employees with success
Sta*Ware Business Navigator®
Project-oriented business software in one package - ERP-CRM-HRM-PMS-DMS-ECM-BA-BPM-QM
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