SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Perl


What is meant by Perl?

The term "Perl" refers to a high-level programming language particularly used for text processing, system administration, web development, and network programming. Perl was originally developed in the late 1980s and has since evolved into a versatile language valued for its strength in string manipulation and extensive libraries. The language is especially useful for scripting tasks, process automation, and rapid prototyping.

Typical software functions in the area of "Perl" include:

  1. Text Processing and Regular Expressions: Powerful functions for processing and manipulating text, including the use of regular expressions for pattern recognition and substitution.
  2. Script Creation and Execution: Support for creating scripts to automate recurring tasks, such as system administration or data analysis.
  3. Web Development: Use of Perl for developing web applications, including CGI (Common Gateway Interface) and mod_perl, an Apache module extension to enhance web server performance.
  4. System Integration and Automation: Functions to integrate and automate processes across various systems, often in combination with other languages and technologies.
  5. Database Connectivity: Extensive modules like DBI (Database Interface) that enable connection and interaction with various database systems.
  6. Network Programming: Support for developing applications for network communication, including socket programming and protocol implementation.


The function / module Perl belongs to:

Programming languages