SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > PCB and printed circuit board design

PCB and printed circuit board design

What is meant by PCB and printed circuit board design?

"PCB and circuit board design" refers to the process of designing printed circuit boards (PCBs), which provide electrical connections between various components of an electronic device. The design process involves creating schematics, placing components, and routing the traces to ensure a functional and error-free circuit.

Typical software functions in the area of "PCB and circuit board design":

  1. Schematic Creation: Drawing schematics to represent electrical connections between components.
  2. Component Placement: Positioning electronic components on the PCB to ensure optimal functionality and efficiency.
  3. Trace Routing: Designing and routing electrical connections between components on the PCB.
  4. Design Rule Check (DRC): Automated checking for design rule violations to prevent errors and conflicts in the layout.
  5. Signal and Power Analysis: Analyzing electrical signals and currents to ensure the PCB meets desired electrical characteristics.
  6. 3D Visualization: Creating 3D models of the PCB to check the physical layout and avoid mechanical issues.
  7. Gerber File Export: Generating and exporting Gerber files necessary for PCB manufacturing.
  8. Bill of Materials (BOM): Creating a list of all components on the PCB.
  9. Simulation and Validation Functions: Simulating the electrical behavior of the PCB to identify and address potential issues early.
  10. Integration with CAE/EDA Tools: Connecting with other Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) and Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools for a seamless design and development environment.


The function / module PCB and printed circuit board design belongs to:


2D and 3D construction
bolted joints
CAM System
Column sinking
Component groups
Conjugate heat flow
Detection of curvatures
Effect avoidance
frequency response
heat transfer
Interaction with beams
linear buckling
linear statics
Mapped mesher
Partial construction
Partial dismantling
Partial strands
point, line and area loads
Reuse of constructions
Section creation
Shell thickener
Stability failure
static fatigue
Subgrade reaction modulus method
surface contact
Technical documents, standards
Temperature loads
Tetrahedral refiner
Vibration shapes
Zone management


Software solutions with function or module PCB and printed circuit board design: