SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Participant groups

Participant groups

What is meant by Participant groups?

The term "defining and managing participant circles" refers to the process of creating, managing, and maintaining groups or circles of individuals who are to participate in specific activities, projects, or training. These participant circles can be formed based on roles, departments, projects, or specific requirements and are used for targeted communication and organization within a software solution.

Typical Software Functions in the Area of "Defining and Managing Participant Circles":

  1. Group Creation: Creating participant circles based on various criteria such as department, project affiliation, or specific characteristics.
  2. Member Management: Adding, removing, or modifying members within the defined groups or circles.
  3. Access Control: Setting access rights and permissions for different participant circles to ensure that only authorized individuals can access certain information or functions.
  4. Notifications and Communication: Automated notifications and communication to members of a participant circle, e.g., for invitations, updates, or reminders.
  5. Reporting and Analysis: Generating reports and analyses on the activities and participation of participant circles to evaluate effectiveness and engagement.
  6. Integration and Synchronization: Integrating participant circles with other systems or platforms, e.g., for synchronizing member data or managing training resources.


The function / module Participant groups belongs to:

Collaboration, Teamwork

Software solutions with function or module Participant groups:

co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
target Idea Management for use with SAP