SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > order-related personnel time recording

order-related personnel time recording

What is meant by order-related personnel time recording?

Order-related personnel time recording is a method of timekeeping where an employee's recorded working hours are assigned to specific tasks or projects. This type of time tracking allows companies to closely monitor each employee's work hours and attribute them to the particular tasks or projects they are working on. It is especially useful in companies where project work plays a significant role or where employee performance is billed based on projects or assignments.

Key aspects of Order-related personnel time recording

Job-related time tracking can enhance efficiency, improve cost control accuracy, and increase transparency regarding work on different projects. It is particularly beneficial in organizations where projects are a significant part of their operations.

The function / module order-related personnel time recording belongs to:

Recording of working hours

Software solutions with function or module order-related personnel time recording:

Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
GisboTimer - Zeiterfassung und Dienstplanungs
myPARM - Multi-project management software
planeus – Digital Production Planning and Control
ProSeS - Manager
ProSeS - PC Terminal
Show all 21 programs with order-related personnel time recording