SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > numerical calculation methods

numerical calculation methods

What is meant by numerical calculation methods?

The term "numerical methods" refers to a variety of mathematical techniques used to solve numerical problems. These methods are employed to find solutions for mathematical problems that are often unsolvable by analytical means. They are used in numerous fields such as physics, engineering, financial mathematics, and computer science.

Typical software functions in the area of "numerical methods":

  1. Linear Algebra: Functions for solving systems of equations, calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
  2. Nonlinear Equations: Methods for solving nonlinear equations and systems of equations.
  3. Numerical Integration: Techniques for the numerical calculation of integrals.
  4. Differential Equations: Algorithms for solving ordinary and partial differential equations.
  5. Interpolation and Approximation: Techniques for approximating functions with polynomials or splines.
  6. Optimization: Methods for finding maxima and minima of functions.
  7. Fourier and Laplace Transforms: Numerical calculations for the analysis and solution of problems in the frequency domain.
  8. Monte Carlo Simulations: Stochastic methods for simulating and analyzing complex systems.

Examples of "numerical methods":

  1. Gaussian Elimination: A method for solving systems of linear equations.
  2. Newton-Raphson Method: An iterative method for solving nonlinear equations.
  3. Simpson's Rule: A method for numerical integration.
  4. Runge-Kutta Methods: Algorithms for solving ordinary differential equations.
  5. Spline Interpolation: A method for interpolating data points with splines.
  6. Gradient Descent: An optimization algorithm for finding extrema of functions.
  7. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): An algorithm for quickly computing the discrete Fourier transform.
  8. Monte Carlo Methods: Techniques for numerical simulation and integration using random numbers.


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The function / module numerical calculation methods belongs to:

Scientific calculation methods

Software solutions with function or module numerical calculation methods:

Simcenter 3D for electromagentic simulation and e-Machine Design
Software for 2D and 3D simulation of electromagnetic fields
Flownex® SE
Flownex® SE
1D-CFD: Flownex determines pressure losses, mass flows and heat transfers
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software
Siemens Simcenter STAR CCM+
CFD software, software for numerical fluid flow simulation with CHT, FEM, EMAG