SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Network functions

Network functions

What is meant by Network functions?

The term "network functions" refers to the various tasks and services performed within a computer network to enable communication and data exchange between devices and applications. These functions are crucial for the smooth operation and security of networks.

Typical software functions in the area of "network functions":

  1. Network Monitoring: Monitoring network activities to identify performance issues and security incidents.
  2. Routing: Determining the optimal path for data packets between network nodes.
  3. Firewalls: Protecting the network by filtering traffic and preventing unauthorized access.
  4. Load Balancing: Distributing network traffic evenly across multiple servers to optimize performance.
  5. VPN (Virtual Private Network): Establishing secure and encrypted connections over public networks.
  6. DNS (Domain Name System): Resolving domain names into IP addresses to enable the accessibility of websites and services.
  7. QoS (Quality of Service): Managing and prioritizing network traffic to ensure the required performance quality for specific applications.
  8. Network Security: Implementing security protocols and measures to protect against threats like malware and unauthorized access.
  9. Network Virtualization: Creating and managing virtual networks within physical network infrastructures.
  10. Network Analytics: Analyzing network traffic to optimize performance and predict failures or bottlenecks.

Examples of "network functions":

  1. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): Automatically assigning IP addresses to devices in the network.
  2. Proxy Server: An intermediary server that takes client requests and forwards them, enhancing anonymity and security.
  3. Intrusion Detection System (IDS): A monitoring system that detects and reports unauthorized access attempts and security-related events.
  4. Email Filter: A system that filters incoming emails based on specific criteria to reduce spam and malware.
  5. NAT (Network Address Translation): A method of translating private IP addresses into public IP addresses and vice versa, improving security and address utilization.
  6. WAN Optimization: Techniques to improve the efficiency and speed of data transfers over Wide Area Networks (WANs).


The function / module Network functions belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Network functions:

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