SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Multiple campaigns

Multiple campaigns

What is meant by Multiple campaigns?

Multiple campaigns refers to the management and execution multiple marketing or advertising campaigns simultaneously or in a coordinated coordinated approach.

Functions for multiple campaigns:

Advantages of Multiple Campaigns:

Possible uses of multiple campaigns:

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The function / module Multiple campaigns belongs to:

Project management

Campaign management

Software solutions with function or module Multiple campaigns:

Clarity PPM: Enterprise Software for Project and Portfolio Management
Clarity PPM for comprehensive operative and strategic project and portfolio management
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects
audius:Software & Consulting for IT, software and consulting companies
Industry solution IT, software and consulting companies.
Sta*Ware Business Navigator®
Project-oriented business software in one package - ERP-CRM-HRM-PMS-DMS-ECM-BA-BPM-QM
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with DAM & PIM
Marketing Resource Management Software für Multi Channel Aktivitäten
PLANTA Project - Agile and TRaditional Project Management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management
InterRed: Multi Channel Publishing
Show all 15 programs with Multiple campaigns