SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Movement profiles

Movement profiles

What is meant by Movement profiles?

The term "movement profiles" refers to the recording and analysis of movement data of individuals or objects over a specific period. A movement profile provides information on where a person or object was at specific times and the paths taken. Movement profiles are commonly used in logistics, traffic planning, security monitoring, and marketing to identify movement patterns and preferences.

Typical software functions in the area of "movement profiles":

  1. Data Collection: Gathering location data through GPS, cellular networks, Wi-Fi, or other positioning technologies.
  2. Data Analysis: Evaluating the collected data to identify patterns and trends.
  3. Visualization: Graphically displaying movement data on maps or in charts.
  4. Geofencing: Setting up virtual geographic zones to monitor movements in specific areas.
  5. Notifications: Automated alerts and notifications for specific movement events or rule violations.
  6. Data Privacy: Ensuring the protection of personal data and compliance with legal data protection regulations.

Examples of "movement profiles":

  1. Customer movements in a shopping mall to optimize store layout.
  2. Delivery vehicle routes to increase efficiency in logistics.
  3. Patrol routes of security personnel to optimize patrol paths.
  4. Movement patterns of tourists in a city to enhance tourist offerings.
  5. Commuting routes of employees to assist in planning work schedules and locations.
  6. Movement analyses of athletes to optimize training plans.


The function / module Movement profiles belongs to:




Before-and-after comparisons
Classification and prediction
classification and regression trees
Container accounting
Course participant and learning statistics
Customer and sales data analysis
Customer evaluations
Econometric and statistical analyses
Linked data management
Mandate analysis
Metropolis algorithm
Network Statistics
predictions and model simulation
statistical cost planning
Utilization analysis according to loss classes

Software solutions with function or module Movement profiles:

prime WebTime and prime WebAccess