SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > merchandise management
merchandise management

merchandise management

What is meant by merchandise management?

"Warenwirtschaft" refers to the holistic management of goods and products within a company. This includes all processes from procurement of goods through inventory management and administration to sales and billing. The goal of merchandise management is to efficiently manage inventory, optimize supply chains, increase customer satisfaction, and enhance profitability.

Typical modules and functions of software in the "Warenwirtschaft" domain may include:

  1. Procurement Management: Managing supplier relationships, ordering processes, and purchases to ensure timely procurement of goods.

  2. Inventory Management: Monitoring and organizing inventory, optimizing storage space, inventory management, and inventory tracking.

  3. Sales Management: Managing customer relationships, order processing, invoicing, shipping, and delivery tracking.

  4. Finance and Accounting: Integration of accounting processes such as invoicing, payment processing, bookkeeping, and financial reporting.

  5. Analysis and Reporting: Providing analysis tools and reporting functions to monitor key performance indicators, sales trends, and inventory movements.


The function / module merchandise management belongs to:

Goods receipt and goods issue

Software solutions with function or module merchandise management:

unitop ERP Trade
The industry solution for wholesale and distance selling
REMIRA Instore App
Sales support & branch management
Ventas - Enterprise Resource Planning under Linux, Import, Export, Fibu, Production
Small CRM system with a big impact
Warehouse Solutions (warehouse management system, BetterStore, BetterPick)
Goods storage, stock transfer, order picking and distribution control
DELECO® ERP - Merchandise management, production, maintenance
Simple ERP complete solution for complex business processes in medium-sized companies
e.bootis-ERPII Suite
e.bootis-ERPII Suite
Future-oriented ERP software for trade, industry & services
The business software with integrated production planning & control
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
ERP twyz.enterprise
WaWi, CRM, HR und Projekte - 100 % webbasiert.
Show all 51 programs with merchandise management