SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Merchandise group hit list

Merchandise group hit list

What is meant by Merchandise group hit list?

The term "product category hit list" refers to a ranking or overview that organizes products or goods based on specific criteria such as sales volume, revenue, popularity, or profitability. This list helps businesses quickly identify the top-performing or most profitable product categories and make strategic decisions based on this information.

Typical software functions in the area of "product category hit list":

  1. Categorization: Classification of products into different categories for structured analysis.
  2. Ranking Algorithm: Creating rankings based on sales numbers, revenue, or margins.
  3. Dashboard View: Visualization of the hit list in a dashboard for quick insight and analysis.
  4. Filter and Sort Functions: Ability to filter and sort the hit list by various criteria such as time period, region, or product category.
  5. Trend Analysis: Analyzing trends within product categories to detect changes in popularity or performance.
  6. Reporting: Generating detailed reports based on the product category hit list for internal or external stakeholders.
  7. Integration with Other Systems: Linking the hit list with other systems like ERP or CRM for a comprehensive analysis of sales and customer data.

Examples of "product category hit list":

  1. Top Seller List: A list of product categories generating the highest revenue.
  2. Profitability Ranking: Ranking of product categories based on profit margins.
  3. Popularity Ranking: Sorting of product categories by the number of sales or orders.
  4. Trend-Based Hit List: Overview of product categories showing increasing sales trends.
  5. Regional Hit List: Ranking of product categories by sales numbers in different geographic regions.
  6. Seasonal Hit List: Identification of product categories that perform exceptionally well during certain times of the year.


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The function / module Merchandise group hit list belongs to:

Sales planning

Software solutions with function or module Merchandise group hit list:

Data warehouse, cost accounting, planning, reporting, business analytics for SMEs
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with DAM & PIM
Software for integrated corporate planning, reporting and group consolidation