SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Membrane stress

Membrane stress

What is meant by Membrane stress?

The term "membrane stress" in design software refers to the analysis and simulation of stresses occurring in thin, surface-like structures (membranes). These stresses arise from external forces, pressure differences, or deformations and are particularly important for the design of lightweight, flexible structures.

Typical software functions in the area of "membrane stress":

  1. Stress analysis: Calculation and visualization of principal stresses and shear stresses in the membrane.
  2. Deformation simulation: Prediction of membrane deformation under various load conditions.
  3. Material modeling: Definition of anisotropic and nonlinear material properties for membranes.
  4. Form-finding: Optimization of membrane geometry to minimize stress concentrations.
  5. Dynamic analysis: Simulation of membrane behavior under time-dependent loads such as wind or vibrations.
  6. Section force determination: Calculation of membrane forces and edge stresses for dimensioning fastening elements.

Examples of "membrane stress":

  1. Analysis of stress distribution in a tent roof under wind load.
  2. Calculation of prestress in a membrane facade to avoid wrinkling.
  3. Simulation of deformation of a solar sail in space.
  4. Optimization of the shape of a pneumatic structure for uniform stress distribution.
  5. Analysis of membrane stresses in a hot air balloon during ascent.
  6. Calculation of stresses in a drum membrane at various vibration modes.

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The function / module Membrane stress belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Membrane stress:

GLASGLOBAL® Software for calculating the static proof according to DIN 18008
Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software