SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Member administration

Member administration

What is meant by Member administration?

"Member management" refers to the systematic organization and administration of members within an organization, association, or community. This includes all aspects of management, from onboarding new members to maintaining member records, handling membership fees, and managing member benefits. Efficient member management is crucial for member retention and smooth organizational operations.

Typical software functions in the area of "member management":

  1. Member Data Management: Capturing and maintaining member information, including personal details, contact information, and membership status.
  2. Fee Management: Managing membership fees, including invoicing, payment processing, and monitoring outstanding balances.
  3. Member Communication: Automated communication with members, including email newsletters, event invitations, and notifications.
  4. Event Management: Planning, organizing, and managing member events, including registration, attendee management, and feedback collection.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: Generating reports and analyses on membership numbers, fee status, and other relevant metrics.
  6. Access and Rights Management: Managing access rights and roles within the system to ensure that only authorized individuals can access certain information.
  7. Process Automation: Automating recurring tasks such as fee billing, reminders, and welcome messages for new members.


The function / module Member administration belongs to:

Public organizations

Software solutions with function or module Member administration:

audius:Seminar for training and seminar management
WINPACCS – software for development