SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Meeting requests

Meeting requests

What is meant by Meeting requests?

"Meeting requests" refer to the requests or invitations to meetings or discussions sent to participants to solicit their participation.

Typical functions of software in the "meeting requests" area include:

  1. Creation of meeting requests: Users can create meeting requests by specifying important information such as date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting.

  2. Sending invitations: The software allows users to send meeting requests to individual participants or groups by entering their email addresses or calendar accounts.

  3. Calendar integration: Users can check participants' availability and automatically suggest suitable meeting times based on their calendars.

  4. Customizable templates: The software provides pre-made templates for meeting requests that users can customize as needed to save time and ensure all relevant information is included.

  5. Reminders and follow-ups: The software sends automatic reminders to participants before the meeting and allows organizers to send follow-up messages to ensure all participants are informed and confirm their attendance.

  6. Tracking and confirmations: Users can track the status of their meeting requests and see who has accepted, declined, or not yet responded to the invitation.

  7. Integration with other tools: The software can integrate with calendar applications, email clients, and other collaboration tools to ensure a seamless workflow.


The function / module Meeting requests belongs to:

Collaboration, Teamwork

Software solutions with function or module Meeting requests:
