SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Measures overview

Measures overview

What is meant by Measures overview?

The "action overview" refers to a summary presentation of all actions taken or planned within an organization to achieve specific goals, solve problems, or seize opportunities. This overview provides a comprehensive view of the status and progress of the actions, allowing stakeholders to get an overview of the activities undertaken or planned.

Typical functions of software in the "action overview" area are:

  1. Clear presentation: Clear and structured presentation of all actions in an overview to provide a quick overview of the status and relevant information.

  2. Filter and search functions: Ability to filter and search for actions based on various criteria such as status, responsible party, date, or category to specifically search for certain actions.

  3. Status tracking: Tracking the status of each action, including information such as start date, planned end date, progress, responsible party, and current status to monitor the current status of the actions.

  4. Prioritization of actions: Ability to prioritize or mark actions according to their priority to focus on the most important or urgent activities.

  5. Assignment of responsibilities: Assignment of responsibilities for each action to specific individuals or teams to ensure effective implementation and monitoring.

  6. Documentation of actions: Ability to capture and document details of each action, including description, objectives, resource requirements, risks, and milestones.

  7. Notifications and reminders: Automatic notifications and reminders to responsible parties or stakeholders about pending actions to ensure timely implementation.

  8. Reporting and analysis: Generation of reports and analyses on the progress and effectiveness of the actions to identify trends, uncover bottlenecks, and evaluate performance.

The function / module Measures overview belongs to:

Quality management

Data protection

Software solutions with function or module Measures overview:

Aeneis - critical and success-relevant processes and assets under control.
BIC GRC Solutions
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Cobalt ToDo Manager for HCL Notes & Domino
Compliance Aspekte
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
e1ns Engineering
e1ns | FMEA in the Cloud
Show all 60 programs with Measures overview