SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Measures export and import

Measures export and import

What is meant by Measures export and import?

The term "Measures Export and Import" refers to the ability of software systems to transfer and exchange quality-related measures between different systems or business areas. This function enables efficient sharing and utilization of quality improvement measures across departmental or company boundaries.

Typical software functions in the area of "Measures Export and Import":

  1. Data Conversion: Transformation of measure data into standardized formats for cross-system exchange.
  2. Interface Management: Provision and administration of APIs for data exchange between different systems.
  3. Version Control: Tracking changes and versions of exported and imported measures.
  4. Mapping Functions: Assigning data fields between different systems during import and export.
  5. Validation: Verification of data integrity and consistency when importing measures.
  6. Authorization Management: Controlling access to import and export functions based on user roles.

Examples of "Measures Export and Import":

  1. Exporting corrective actions from a quality management system to a supplier management system.
  2. Importing best practice measures from a central corporate database to local production sites.
  3. Transferring preventive measures between different departments of a company.
  4. Exporting audit measures from an audit management system to a project management system for implementation tracking.
  5. Importing improvement suggestions from an idea management tool into a quality management system.
  6. Exchanging training measures between the personnel development system and the quality management system.

The function / module Measures export and import belongs to:

Data export

Data import

Software solutions with function or module Measures export and import:

Aeneis - critical and success-relevant processes and assets under control.
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
EcholoN Service Management Suite
iqs Quality Center - CAQ-Software
Layered Process Audit - eLPA
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
myPARM - Multi-project management software
N5-Solutions - Analyses & Measures
sycat Process Designer