SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Mapped mesher

Mapped mesher

What is meant by Mapped mesher?

The term “Mapped Mesher” refers to a specific meshing technique that uses regularly arranged, evenly distributed elements (usually square or rectangular elements) to approximate a 2D or 3D geometry. Mapped meshing is often used when the geometry is simple enough to allow for structured mesh generation, leading to more accurate simulation results and improved convergence rates in numerical analysis. The mapped mesher is typically used in Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and other engineering applications.

Typical software functions in the area of "Mapped Mesher":

  1. Automatic Mesh Generation: The software automatically generates a structured mesh uniformly distributed across the entire geometry.
  2. Mesh Refinement Adjustment: The mesh density can be adjusted in different areas of the geometry to provide better resolution in critical regions.
  3. Mesh Topology Control: Users can control the alignment and distribution of mesh lines to ensure efficient computation.
  4. Mesh Quality Evaluation: The software evaluates the quality of the generated mesh to ensure that the elements are well-shaped and suitable for stable simulations.
  5. Geometry Mapping: The ability to map the mesh directly onto complex, curved surfaces for more accurate simulations.
  6. Export and Import Functions: The mesh can be exported for further analysis and imported for collaboration between different simulation tools.

Examples of "Mapped Mesher":

  1. Square Mesh: A rectangular mesh is applied to a flat surface to ensure uniform distribution.
  2. Hexahedral Mesh: A 3D mesh made of hexagonal elements is used to represent a cubic geometry.
  3. Circular Mapping: A mapped mesher generates a mesh that is adapted to a cylindrical or circular geometry.
  4. Fine Mesh Resolution: In critical areas, such as stress points, a denser mesh is created to improve simulation accuracy.
  5. Surface Mesh on Complex Geometry: A mesh is directly applied to a curved surface to minimize distortions and enhance the simulation.


The function / module Mapped mesher belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Mapped mesher:

Process optimization and cost reduction with modular MES software