SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Lua


What is meant by Lua?

"Lua" is a lightweight, extensible scripting language often used as an embedded scripting language in various applications. It was designed to be easily integrated into other programs, offering fast execution and a simple syntax. Lua is used in a variety of applications including computer games, mobile apps, web development, embedded systems, databases, and more. Typically, Lua is used to implement complex operations or functions that need to be configured or customized flexibly without modifying the main program.

Typical functions of software in the "Lua" area could include:

  1. Embedding the Lua interpreter engine into an application to execute Lua scripts.
  2. Providing an Application Programming Interface (API) for communication between the application and Lua scripts.
  3. Supporting integration of Lua scripts to configure, customize, or extend the functionality of the application.
  4. Error handling and debugging support for Lua scripts within the application.
  5. Ability to run Lua scripts in real-time or in the background depending on the application's requirements.
  6. Providing libraries and modules for commonly used functions or tasks in Lua scripts.


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The function / module Lua belongs to:

Programming languages