SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Lot and intermediate inspection

Lot and intermediate inspection

What is meant by Lot and intermediate inspection?

The term "batch and intermediate testing" refers to two different types of quality checks in production and vocational training. Batch testing is a sampling inspection where a certain number of products from a production batch are tested to assess the quality of the entire batch. Intermediate testing, on the other hand, is a performance assessment that takes place about halfway through a vocational training program to determine the trainee's progress.

Typical software functions in the area of "batch and intermediate testing":

  1. Sampling Planning: Determination of sample size and selection criteria based on batch size and inspection level.
  2. Test Plan Management: Creation and management of test plans for different product types and test scenarios.
  3. Data Collection: Input and storage of test results, both manually and automated.
  4. Statistical Evaluation: Analysis of test results using statistical methods for quality assessment.
  5. Report Generation: Creation of detailed test reports and summaries.
  6. Trend Analysis: Identification of quality trends across multiple batches or tests.
  7. Exam Management: Organization and scheduling of intermediate exams for trainees.
  8. Performance Evaluation: Assessment and documentation of trainees' exam results.

Examples of "batch and intermediate testing":

  1. AQL Testing: Acceptance sampling inspection according to the Acceptable Quality Level method in production.
  2. Attribute Testing: Good/bad testing in incoming goods or final inspection.
  3. Intermediate Examination in Crafts: Performance assessment after half of the training period for apprentices.
  4. Online Sampling Inspection: Continuous quality control during the ongoing production process.
  5. Written Intermediate Exam: Theoretical knowledge assessment in vocational training.
  6. Practical Intermediate Exam: Assessment of acquired practical skills during vocational training.

The function / module Lot and intermediate inspection belongs to:

Quality management

internal errors
Security check

Product testing

Software solutions with function or module Lot and intermediate inspection:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
EcholoN Service Management Suite
iqs Quality Center - CAQ-Software
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies