SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Loose-leaf works, series and sequels

Loose-leaf works, series and sequels

What is meant by Loose-leaf works, series and sequels?

Loose-leaf publications, series, and continuations are publication formats that are regularly updated to provide current information. Loose-leaf works consist of a basic work and supplementary deliveries that are filed in binders. Series are thematically related book series, while continuations represent regular updates or extensions of a work.

Typical Software Functions:

  1. Update Management: Management and planning of supplementary deliveries and updates.
  2. Version Control: Tracking different versions and changes over time.
  3. Table of Contents Generation: Automatic creation and updating of tables of contents.
  4. Subscription Management: Management of subscriptions for continuations and supplementary deliveries.
  5. Digital Integration: Linking printed and digital content.
  6. Search Function: Enables quick search for specific content in extensive works.

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The function / module Loose-leaf works, series and sequels belongs to:
