SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > log files

log files

What is meant by log files?

Log files are files that record information about events, activities, or errors that occur in a software or computer system. These files are used to store a history of actions and events to enable diagnosis of issues, monitoring of system performance, or tracking of activities when needed. Log files can contain various types of information, such as the date and time of the event, type of event, user actions, error messages, warnings, and other relevant data.

Typical functions of software in the field of "log files" include:

  1. Event Logging: Recording events, activities, and operations that occur in the software or system.
  2. Timestamps: Adding timestamps to each event to record the exact date and time of occurrence.
  3. Event Types: Distinguishing different types of events such as information, warnings, and errors to enable clear categorization.
  4. User Actions: Logging user actions and interactions with the software to track user behavior.
  5. Error Reporting: Recording error messages and exceptions that occur during the execution of the software to identify and resolve issues.
  6. Location and Rotation: Setting the location for log files as well as rotating or archiving old log files to manage storage space and maintain logging.
  7. Log Analysis: Analyzing log files to detect trends, identify performance issues, and gain insights into system behavior.


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The function / module log files belongs to:

Reports, logs and documentation

Software solutions with function or module log files:

PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
abylon LOGON
Gesicherte Windowsanmeldung und Single Sign-On